Anti Projeto Anarco Fake

Mogli Saura



Composition and voice: Mogli Saura
Musical production, mix and mastering: Francis Etto
Production and anti-clip direction: Liberta Morón
Script and conception: Mogli Saura
Images: Coletivo Coiote's archive and recolection of images from the internet.
Design: Kika Capucha


Anti Projeto Anarco Fake - EP Álbum · 2020

Compositions, lyrics, and voice: Mogli Saura
Production, mix and mastering: Francis Etto
Illustration: Kika Capucha


Launch of Anti Projeto Anarco Fake’s Zine by Mogli in collaboration with Monstruosas ↗

Anti Projeto Anarco Fake's zine is composed with the text “From punk to funk, from funk to fake: A story of dissidences and updates in the Brazilian countercultural and liberty scene”, and an exclusive interview we did with the artist, a super sincere talk who updates the radical questions that infected white normality and Brazilian anarchism in the last decade, as well as important reflections about the policies that circulate sexual dissidence, racism, and capitalism.

The zine costs R$20 and is being distributed by Distro Dysca, os pedidos devem ser realizados até o dia 09/08, mailings will be available from 08/11/20 (postal costs will be paid by the customers and depend on postal address).

“We must not spare critics to kuir, to trans*, to feminism, to anarchism, to freeganism and to veganism, to decoloniality, in short… these are all terminologies of epistemicide. These are flags that reach us already compromised and it is important to burn them all together in a single fire. After that, we take the ashes and mix with our blood running through, our saturated land, add chuca water, and wrap it in a banana leaf, tying it well with one’s own hair. This will serve as a patuá to help us whenever we need to rationally explain the process of ancestral encounter we are drawing”

- Mogli Saura

Launch of the Anti-Projeto Anarco Fake’s Zine ↗


Mogli Saura (1987). Brazilian.
Mada of a pack, performer, singer, songwriter, writer, permaculturist and yoga instructor. They was part of the body of collective initiatives such as Coletivo Coyote, Anarcofunk, and NúcleodeCaos. They has been experimenting and investigating interventions in urban spaces since 2006, departing from the borders of art and life, madness and crime-and their categorical-structural relationships involving race, gender and class. They started in Butoh Dance in 2011, and since 2013 presents ritual performances and conducts experiences of Kaos Butoh. In 2017 they began to elaborate the notion of intersectional ecology in which they locates practices such as permaculture, agroecology and ecosophy in the cartographic process as the base element of various artistic, anti-capitalist, marginalized and dissident movements. This year they is releasing their first EP with Anti-Project Anarco Fake. Nomad, currently living in São Paulo. ↗
@bixa_loba ↗
@libertamoron ↗


Kika Kapuxa is an autonomous multiartist. Firming creative identity in graffiti, illustration, painting, and tattoo from autodidactic study and since 2007 living experiences with the inks. Combative ans allucinated arts against patriarchy and all forms of oppression.

Dibujos de Capucha ↗
@kikakpuxa ↗


Francis Etto is an artist, musician, composer, researcher, and creator of the project “All is Axé - Bárbara, Vadia e Clandestina”, which acts as a cultural hub, preserving popular memory through electronic music, mixing in nomadic territories, the traditional with contemporary, afro-futuristic beats and regional textures.

@francisetto ↗

Coletivo Coiote.jpg

Coletivo Coiote. Collective implicated in direct action performances inspired by anarchist, transfeminist, decolonial, marginal and anti-capitalist ideals. Created in 2011, in Rio de Janeiro, for years its members lived in a nomadic way, hitchhiking, and sleeping in squats, camps, etc. Their actions involve radical manipulation of the bodies of the people involved, including body modifications, self-mutilation, masturbation, and contact with body fluids, and excrements (blood, urine, feces). By working with shock, suffering and repulsion, the group position themselves against hygienism, and what they call ‘bourgeois aestheticism’, asserting itself as ‘anti-art’, even questioning the concept of copyright and its relationship with Private propriety. Among their best-known actions are the performance in Marcha Mundial das Vadias (the World March of the Sluts), 2013, when they desecrated Christian symbols, and ‘Satanic Cunt’, in which they desecrated national symbols (the flag). In 2019, they launched the book Crônicas Coiote (Coyote Chronicles). In 2020, some members met again to accomplish a cycle of the Pornorecycle Project.

@coletivo.coiote ↗


Monstruosas is a label of philosophical and cultural agitation implicated in the propagation of antihumanist, sexdissident, and autonomous politics counter information. ↗ ↗
@xmonstruosasx ↗